How Forex Brokers Can Use Social Media to Obtain New Clients


In recent years, the Forex industry has managed to gain additional exposure by way of social media. Some Forex brokers are attracting new clients by using social media to share knowledge and important information. They’re using social media to make important connections with FX traders and prospective traders.

For example, Deutsche Bank’s online retail foreign exchange trading platform, dbFX, uses Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Linkedln to connect with FX traders and attract new visitors to its website.

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The Truth Behind Trading Forex Online

Forex Monitor

Forex trading online can be a very exciting and lucrative hobby. However, you need to know what you are doing to limit the amount of money you could lose. Here are some of the basic things you should know before you even attempt to trade online.

Are you interested in taking part in Forex trading online? If so then you may find that it can be slightly confusing. Many companies let you open a trading account with just $250. However, while this may seem like a very small amount, you need to think that it could let you control more than $25,000.

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Analysis of the Five Types of Forex Brokers

Trading Strategy

There are variable kinds of Brokers, but in total, there exists five types. These five types of Forex brokers have access to brokerage firms that are recognized and considered legitimate versus those shady backdoor brokers who cannot provide you any guarantees. If you want to succeed in getting the right broker, I suggest reviewing their policies. They have similar access to the Forex market, but their terms and conditions might make you choose one type of broker over another.

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How To Choose The Right Forex Broker

Trading Strategy

Before you jump into Forex trading, consider what the environment you’re getting into. Forex is considered a risky investment, so approach with caution. As we all know, every investment won’t return the profit we sought, and similarly, every potential investor may not have what it takes to be a Forex trader. If you’re approaching these feelings of uncertainty, I recommend speaking with a Forex broker.

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Understanding an Introducing Broker


Many people think that an Introducing Broker is merely a middleman and that commissions and fees will, therefore, be higher than if they were working directly with the dealing firm. However, this isn’t true because, for one, due to the high volume of customers they provide, these brokers often receive a large discount on fees and commissions. Their profit comes from this difference as they charge the standard rates a regular, discount Forex broker offers. In fact, sometimes they offer better conditions.

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