Pips Chaos

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Pips Chaos. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at pipschaos.com.

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3 thoughts on “Pips Chaos”

  1. Many email notifications did not match automated trades and several trades automatically generated did not close in a timely manner leaving a large negative balance. Given this experience,with Pips Chaos & Pips Chaos Overdrive, the additional Roundtable package does not appear to add enough extra value to justify the almost $500 expense.

    I am running PipsChaos Overdrive through Pepperstone on a VPS they recommended, precluding any shortcomings that could be attributed to my own computer system.

    Considering the advertising promo all but guaranteed virtually risk-free trades, reality has not matched hype and I can not in good conscience continue using this product.

  2. I have purchased Pips Chaos a week ago. Since then I have not had 1 single trade. I have all the smiley faces and so on on the chart so it seems to be working but NO TRADES.
    Can anyone help me???
    I am in Australia
    I hope it is not a rort

    Lionel Dunkley

  3. Paid for Chaos on 7/25/2011; got simple email receipt and nothing since then – now almost one month later?

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