Pip Gainer

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Pip Gainer. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at pipgainer.com.

Below are the current reviews of Pip Gainer. It is possible that at the time you’re reading this page there are no reviews yet. Because they come from real users, it may take some time for the first reviews to appear. Please bookmark this page and come back regularly to check for new reviews.

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5 thoughts on “Pip Gainer”

  1. Well, the only comment I have is that after 3 days and several emails I still have not received my license. So who knows – could be great but I can’t tell you as I cant run the EA still.

  2. Guys get your money back , have just got my refund . Same experience as yourselves , paid the $$ never recieved the product , what is this guy up to , guess he thought he could advertise , not deliver and then a certain %% would never claim a refund. Good one Jordan!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Weird! I got mine with no trouble at all. Can’t report how good or bad it is as this is the time of year I stop trading.

  4. Well, I bought this system and found it to be a pure piece of Karl Dittman crapola. He is just a simple con artist. Thank goodness i only paid 4 bucks for this garbage. Nothing he ever puts out works and most of his revamped junk is found on Forex Factory. He just doctors up the indicators and calls them his fantastic super secret( just like the last one and the one b/4 that lol) Anyone who buys this junk will surely find out what the word lagging means.

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