Forex Shuffle

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Forex Shuffle. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

Below are the current reviews of Forex Shuffle. It is possible that at the time you’re reading this page there are no reviews yet. Because they come from real users, it may take some time for the first reviews to appear. Please bookmark this page and come back regularly to check for new reviews.

If you have experience with Forex Shuffle, please leave a short review or comments with your feedback (please follow the posting rules). It will help other users to decide. Thanks!

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3 thoughts on “Forex Shuffle”

  1. please update your trading experience using this EA.
    This one is heavily promoted like other new EAs so I’m a bit hesitant on buying decision.

  2. As far as the Forex Shuffle is concerned after having tried them for a month, my account has done nothing but drain. You see, I’m with a broker that uses a “.” after every currency pair. The Forex Shuffle Team refuses to put a “.” (period) after the currency pair and the cloned trades do not get traded. Instead I receive lots of error messages due to that simple fact. I have repeatedly tried to tell the team to use the “.” It just seems like they aren’t event listening to me. So, I have since canceled their service. Did they make me any money? The answer is NO.

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